Posted in High powered rifle, Mass Shooting, Opinion, Solution

A Viable Solution to Mass Shootings

This topic has been on my mind for quite some time and I need to get it off my chest. As far as I am concerned there is nothing more selfish than intentionally taking someones life away from them.  There is nothing more cowardly than shooting a bunch of unarmed and defenseless people. If you truly have a death wish slash your wrists, put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, take on the police or travel abroad and take on ISIS. Engage someone who has half chance of fighting back. It’s a different world when there are rounds flying back at you.

My solution to this ever-increasing problem is to have the president (even if it is Trump) announce “if you go on a mass shooting you will forever be known as a fucking asshole dick less pussy that couldn’t get laid”. Cause that’s all you are in my book. Who wants to be forever known as a fucking asshole dick less pussy that couldn’t get laid? I sure wouldn’t. If the next mass shooter is aware that they will go down in history as such just maybe they will think twice.

This can’t keep happening but it will. More and more safe havens are becoming a target: movie theaters, music concerts, dance clubs, high schools, softball games, elementary schools, college campuses, etc. It is a fact that no country in the world can guarantee your safety. That is a fact we have to accept however freedom of speech is guaranteed in the United States. Our freedoms are what make this country great. Mankind is inherently a violent and unpredictable species. The United States has always been and will continue to be a violent and racist country.


The First Continental Army was formed during the American Revolution by the Second Continental Congress and commanded by General George Washington. There was no US Army after the American Revolution. Everyone just went home to their farm or factory; many without pay. The second amendment was put in place by the founding fathers to protect their nascent country from outside threats. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state is just that: only when a there’s a threat do we need a heavily armed militia. I don’t think the second amendment necessarily guarantees the right of anyone not convicted of a felony to buy a high-powered semi automatic rifle with high-capacity magazines. In some ways mankind has proven itself not responsible enough for military grade rifle ownership.

Gun violence is a leading cause of death in the US (albeit half are suicides) and the vast majority of gun related deaths are from handguns. High powered rifles account for very few deaths overall. Restricting the sale of guns is not a realistic approach, but common sense gun laws are an appropriate response. I believe in self-preservation and home defense. If buying a high-powered semi automatic rifle you need to prove yourself responsible and worthy prior. This can be accomplished through service in the armed forces, working as a law enforcement officer or passing a comprehensive firearms class as a civilian. The few gun shows I have been to in recent years I’ve seen some tricked out rifles that I do not think just anyone should be allowed to buy. That makes no sense and I own guns as well.

In my opinion we will never completely get rid of this sad chicken shit occurrence but we do have the power to reduce the number of gun deaths in this country. I think a reduction in gun related death is best case scenario and worth the uphill fight.



All warfare is based on deception.

2 thoughts on “A Viable Solution to Mass Shootings

  1. I was going to simply criticize this writing and offer no suggestions in return of what I would do but it was brought to my attention that would be too easy, distasteful and rather cowardly. So instead, here’s my suggested alternative: “It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing than to believe what is wrong” – Thomas Jefferson
    It can hurt to have our beliefs come into question, even worse if they are shown to us to be faulty or flat-out invalid. We’ll form or adopt ideas or beliefs to help alleviate our fears and dissatisfactions so of course, it can make us insecure when they are rattled without being provided a satisfactory substitute. This can cause us to become fearful all over again. We are absolutely free to accept any answer or understanding to help cope with the unknown.
    The more reason we have to fear anything the more readily we’ll accept an explanation for it; as the source of our fears is always the unknown; And as such, our anger and frustrations as well. We can hardly control our natural instincts, such as fear and frustration, and we ought not to seek to eliminate them either, as they may, in fact, serve vital purposes. Fear is an excellent motivator. Anger, however, is too often the next emotion we progress to, and this is then the state of mind that we also seek answers in, unfortunately. Anger is a great means of forming convictions but not making mindful judgments and discernment.
    Without proper discernment, we can commit ourselves to a belief or argument that is riddled with logical fallacies, entirely invalid or counterintuitive to itself. This happens not because we are dumb or ignorant, but because of the supremely aware of the real pain of facing the unknown. However, I would have to agree with President Jefferson as I would much rather face the unknown prepared without any explanation ever than face it with a million wrong ones.


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